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Abbas Shiri

Abbas Shiri, PhD
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Iran

Abbas Shiri is an Associate professor with expertise in linear electric machines, electromagnetic systems and actuators, electrical machine design and modeling. By publishing more than 60 papers in international journals and conferences, Abbas Shiri is involved in design, modeling and optimization of electrical machines, drives and actuators used in renewable energy systems such as ocean and wind energy, electric vehicles, and rail-way transportation systems. With a PhD in Electrical Engineering from Iran University of Science and Technology, Abbas Shiri continues to excel in Power Engineering and Achievements.

Research Interest

Design, modeling and optimization of electrical machines, drives and actuators used in renewable energy systems such as ocean and wind energy, electric vehicles, and rail-way transportation systems.


+1 281-968-3414

+1 707-378-6010

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