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Abdullah Aydın

Abdullah Aydın, Ph.D
Kırşehir Ahi Evran University, Turkey

Abdullah Aydın is an Professor of Science/Chemistry Education at Kırşehir Ahi Evran University, Turkey. He received his Master's in Analytical Chemistry from Uludağ University in 1995. He received his Ph.D. in science / chemistry education from Gazi University in 2004. He is a member of the editorial team of 74 international journals (disciplinary and interdisciplinary). He has 11 excellence awards [Excellence in reviewing]. He has outstanding contribution award [Journal of Cleaner Prudiction - ELSEVIER]. He has committee memberships (SciTech Nanosciences 2019 & Nanotech-2021 & GECAET-22 Global Experts Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Technology ). He has national [Ahi Evran University, "Academic Performance Award", The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, “Broadcast award”], and international [VDGOOD Technology Factory, “Lifetime Achievement Award”] awards. He has scientific memberships ESERA, IJDS, ACSE, Turkish Chemical Society, VDGOOD Technology Factory. The focus of his research is the Analytical Chemistry, trace element analysis, materials and processes, disciplinary and interdisciplinary.


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