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Dr. Biao Hu

Dr. Biao Hu
Shenzhen University, China

Dr. Biao Hu is an Assistant Professor at the College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Shenzhen University, P.R. China, with expertise in composite materials & structures, structural retrofitting, and sustainable construction materials. He has published 47 SCI journal papers. The publications have attracted more than 1200 citations recorded in Google Scholar (https://scholar.google.com.hk/citations?user=dgo3y7gfI3AC&hl=zh-TW ) with a H-index of 18. He is the principal investigator of 6 research projects and the co-investigator of more than 10 research projects. He serves as the editorial board member of several journals and the guest editor of five SCI journals. He is a regular reviewer of more than 30 peer-reviewed international SCI journals. He received the Moisseiff Award from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) in 2018. He received the IAAM Scientist Medal Award (2023) from the International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM) and was selected as a Fellow of IAAM (Junior) in 2023.


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