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Dr. Dimitrios C. RAKOPOULOS

Dr. Dimitrios C. RAKOPOULOS, Ph.D
Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH), Greece

Dr. Dimitrios Rakopoulos, born in 1980, obtained his Diploma (2002) and Ph.D. degree (2007) in Mechanical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece. Currently he is a Senior Researcher with the Chemical Process & Energy Resources Institute (CPERI) of Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH), Greece, and a Research Associate with the Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) Laboratory and the Laboratory of Steam Boilers & Thermal Plants (LSBTP) of the School of Mechanical Engineering of NTUA. In addition to his large research experience (participation in 39 Research Projects of 10.02 m€ total budget for his Entities; Principal Investigator in 12 of them with 3.29 m€ total budget for his Entities; Coordinator in 2 of them with 18 and 8 International partners and 9 and 4 m€ total budget respectively), he has also wide industrial and managerial experience in non-academic environment, both in the Public sector (Public Power Corporation S.A., Ministry of Environment and Energy) and the Private sector (freelance Mechanical Engineer since 2002 in several energy projects on Wind Farms interconnection to the Grid, biogas exploitation for Cogeneration, hybrid PVs, etc.). His research interests include: Diesel engines, power plants, CHP, District Heating, RES technologies and novel energy systems, Smart Grids, Smart Cities and propulsion engines in marine applications. His scientific record comprises: Top 1% Highly Cited Researcher & World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds for 6 consecutive years (2015 – 2020) by Thomson Reuters (now Clarivate Analytics); Top 0.5% Highly Cited Researcher (career) for the last 5 consecutive years (2020 – 2024) by Elsevier-Scopus; 107 refereed-papers in International Indexed Scientific Journals and 25 in International Conferences with full paper peer-review; over 8500 citations according to Scopus, with H-index=46; Associate Editor or Editorial Board Member in 7 International Indexed Scientific Journals and Guest co-Editor in 6 Special Issues; 1 Associate Editor Award; Organizing Committee member in 2 International Conferences with full paper peer-review; Scientific Committee member in 11 International Conferences with full paper peer-review; Reviewer in numerous International Scientific Indexed Journals and Conferences; 5 Outstanding Reviewer Awards.

Research Interest

His research interests include: power plants, CHP, District Heating, RES technologies and novel energy systems, Smart Grids, Smart Cities and Diesel engines, propulsion engines in marine applications.


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