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Dr. Xenofon Spiliotis

Dr. Xenofon Spiliotis
University of Thessaly, Greece

Dr. Xenofon Spiliotis is currently Emeritus Professor in the University of Thessaly, Department of Environmental Sciences and a member of the Greek Technical Working Group for the review of the Ceramic Manufacturing Industry BREF (2019 - ongoing). He graduated in 1979 from Aristotle University's Chemical Engineering Department. In 1981, he was granted with an M.Sc. and in 1983 with a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from UMIST. Since 1986, he worked as a technical consultant in various companies and has been a member of the board of directors in EBETAM S.A. and Gas Distribution Company of Thessaly (EDA Thessaly). During Jan’ 2016 - Dec’ 2018 Head of the Technological Research Center of Thessaly and from Dec’ 2017 – Jan’ 2019 Rector at the Technological Educational Institute of Thessaly. His research interests include issues such as ending of wastes through their integration in ceramic building materials, utilization of secondary raw materials, Circular Economy and Industrial Symbiosis. He has a very extensive research experience, numerous publications in international journals and Proceedings of international conferences and great recognition from the scientific community. He has been scientific coordinator for many European, National and private research projects and a scientific collaborator in a large number of them


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