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Harold Zamir Taborda Osorio

Harold Zamir Taborda Osorio
Speech Language Pathologist, National University of Colombia

Harold Zamir Taborda Osorio is a Speech Language Pathologist, with expertise in Clinical and Occupational Audiology, Occupational Health and Safety Risk Management and university teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He is known for his ability to learn in other areas of knowledge and interest in professional development. Harold Zamir Taborda Osorio is dedicated to university teaching and research in Safety and Health at Work. He is Master in Health and Safety at Work at the National University of Colombia and currently is studying a PhD in Public and Global Health at the Continental University of Peru. Harold Zamir Taborda Osorio continues to excel for his ongoing professional development, his concern for research in Health and Safety at Work and for his interest in the influence of the social determinants of health in the working population


+1 281-968-3414

+1 707-378-6010

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