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Liselotte Mettler

Liselotte Mettler, MD, PhD
University Clinics of Schleswig-Holstein
German Medical Center, Germany

Professor Dr. med. Dr med. h. c. mult.  Liselotte Mettler was born on 6.6.39 in Vienna, Austria. From 1965-1981 medical studies, doctorate, gynaecological and endocrinological and Artificial Reproductive Technologies  (ART) specialist training, habilitation and professorship in Tübingen, Vienna and Kiel.

 From 1981-2007 she was Deputy Director of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University Hospitals Schleswig-Holstein (UKSH), Germany and from  1995 -2007 director of  Endocrinology m Reproductive Medicine and  Gynaecological  Endoscopic Surgery.


Her main fields of activity are Reproductive Medicine, Gynaecological Endoscopy and Gynaecological Endocrinology. Prof. Mettler is actively participating in many societies and organizations. She has written over 1000 publications, 25 books and 9 textbooks, the last one in 2024

Since 1973 she attended nearly all major Endoscopic and Reproductive Medical conferences in the world online or in person. Since 2008 she is Emeritus professor at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University Hospitals Schleswig-Holstein, Honorary Patron of the Kiel School of Gyne Endoscopy and Reproductive Medicine. Since 2003 she is director of the Department  of Gynaecology,  German Medical Center (GMC), Dubai Healthcare City (DHCC), Dubai, U.A.E. with a physical presence in Dubai of 10 days  monthly  and General

Manager of  “Gyne Consulting Kiel”.


She is honorary member of the German Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, of the German, European and American Society of Gynaecologic Endoscopic Surgery and of the German European and American Society of Reproductive Medicine. At present she is Deputy Director der “Universitären Kinderwunsch Sprechstunde” am Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel and Honorary Patron of the Kiel School of Gynaecological Endoscopy. She is the Executive Director of the International Academy of Human Reproduction (IAHR)and organized the IAHR - World Conference  in Venice, Italy, in 2023.


In 202O  she was awarded  with the Honorary membership of the American Society of  Gynaecology and Obstetrics

and with the Cross of Merit of the Government of the state Schleswig Holstein in Kiel, Germany, where  she lives since 1961.

 In 2022  the  “ Deutsche Gesellschaft of Gynaecology and Obstetrics “ honoured her  with the “Karl Kaufmann medal in gold”, which is the highest achievement  a gynaecologist can receive in Germany

 In November 2023 she became honorary member of the American Society of Gynaecological Laparoscopy (AAGL) in Nashville, Tennessee.



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