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Raul Duarte Salgueiral Gomes Campilho

Raul Duarte Salgueiral Gomes Campilho
ISEP - Porto School of Engineering, Portugal

Activities currently performed

  • Permanent Auxiliar Professor at ISEP School of Engineering, Porto, Portugal

Academic Qualifications, Skills, and Competencies

  • Degree in Mechanical Engineering, Major in Transport (ISEP), with 16 values
  • Master in Mechanical Engineering, Major in Mechanical Constructions (FEUP), with 17 values (Very Good)
  • PhD in Mechanical Engineering (FEUP), with unanimous approval with distinction
  • Habilitation in Mechanical Engineering (FEUP), with unanimous approval

Teaching at higher education and related institutions

Teaching experience in higher education since 2003, at ESEIG, ISEP and ULP, teaching curricular units such as Finite Element Method, Mechanics of Materials, Machine Design, Power Transmission Systems, Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing, Automation Industrial, Project and Internship.


Ph.D., M.Sc., and B.Sc. thesis supervision

Supervision of 6 Ph.D. theses at FEUP. Supervision/co-supervision of 258 M.Sc. theses at ISEP and FEUP. Supervision of 52 B.Sc. theses at ULP and ISEP.

Publication of books/book chapters

Thirty-five published books (e.g., Springer; Publindústria, CRC Press). One hundred and fifty-four book chapters in books from international publishers.

Editorial activities

Editor-in-Chief of Academia Materials Science Journal from Academia.edu since August 2023. Guest editor in 12 MDPI special issues.

Publication of papers in international journals

Publication of 340 papers in indexed international journals such as Composites Science & Technology, Composite Structures, Computational Materials Science, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, International Journal of Fracture, International Journal of Solids and Structures, International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives, Composites Part A and Composites Part B, among others, in the area of fracture mechanics, experimental characterization of materials and adhesive joints, design of structural adhesive joints, strength prediction of composites by advanced techniques, machine design and process improvement.

Presentation of papers at international/national conferences

Presentation of 27 keynote papers and 604 regular papers at international conferences, and 19 papers at national conferences in the aforementioned areas.

Reviewing papers for international journals

Review of more than 120 papers in international journals such as the Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives, Composite Structures, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, International Journal of Fracture, Computational Materials Science, among others.

Organization/moderation of lectures, seminars, colloquia, and conferences

Organization of 8 international conferences. Organization of 12 lectures/conferences at FEUP and ULP. Organization of 5 special sessions at international conferences. Scientific committee member in 90 international conferences. Moderation of technical sessions at more than 120 international conferences.

Participation in funded research projects

Participation as a researcher in 7 projects of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and European Commission. Participation as principal investigator of 1 project of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology.

Higher education support activities

Direction of the Degree in Management and Industrial Engineering at ULP from 1 October 2009 to 30 September 2013. Organization of 13 study visits at ULP. Presidency of the Jury of the Commission for Examinations for Over 23 at ULP in the academic years of 2011/2012 and 2012/2013. Chair of the Jury of the Examinations Commission for Over 23 at the Faculty of Economics and Management at ULP from 1 October 2009 to 30 September 2013. Sub-director of the Master in Mechanical Engineering at ISEP from 1 October 2014 to 30 September 2022. Sub-director of research centre CIDEM - Centre for Research & Development in Mechanical Engineering at ISEP since September 2023.


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