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Selçuk Sarıkoç

Selçuk Sarıkoç
Amasya University, Turkey

Dr. Selçuk Sarıkoç is currently working in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, at Amasya University, Türkiye. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in 2011 from the Energy Division of the Mechanical Engineering Department at Erciyes University. He completed his Master of Science in 2014 in the Energy Systems Engineering Department at the Institute of Natural Sciences, Erciyes University. In 2019, he completed his PhD in the Energy Division of the Mechanical Engineering Department at the same institution. In 2022, he was appointed as an Associate Professor at Amasya University.

Dr. Sarıkoç’s research primarily focuses on alternative fuels, such as biodiesel, alcohols (methanol and butanol), and hydrogen, particularly in internal combustion engines, including both diesel and spark ignition engines. Additionally, his work extends to fuel cells, with a special focus on solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC). His research interests cover a broad range of topics, including alternative fuels, fuel additives such as nano additives, oxy fuels, and fuel improvers, as well as internal combustion engines, diesel engines, biodiesel, spark-ignition engines, engine performance, combustion analysis, exhaust emissions, lifecycle-based analysis, lifecycle carbon footprint analysis, energy, exergy, thermoecological assessments, exergoeconomic evaluations, exergoenvironmental studies, thermoeconomic analysis, environmental and enviroeconomic impacts, sustainability analyses, biofuels, biomass, environmental pollution cost assessments, and fuel cells. He has published over 60 academic works, including articles in SCI(E)-indexed journals, national patents, book chapters, and conference papers.

Dr. Sarıkoç is a leading researcher in the field of engines and fuels. His research, supported by the TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye) 1512 BIGG Entrepreneurship Support Program. This project is focused on fuel enrichment and the development of fuel additives for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in the defense industry. He is also the holder of a nationally registered patent.

In addition to his academic work, Dr. Sarıkoç is the founder of FSMS Engineering, a startup company based in a Technopark, established in 2023 under the scope of the TÜBİTAK 1512 BIGG Entrepreneurship Support Program. FSMS Engineering specializes in fuel enrichment and the development of fuel additives for UAVs in the defense industry, particularly focusing on advanced fuel enrichment methods and new generation fuel additives. Furthermore, the company is engaged in the design, hardware, and software development of avionic systems for UAVs.

Dr. Sarıkoç’s work demonstrates a strong connection between academic research and industrial application, exemplifies innovation and advancement in the energy and defense sectors, his works contributing significantly contributions to both academia and industry.


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