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Stoycho Dimitrov Stoev

Stoycho Dimitrov Stoev, Ph.D
General and clinical pathology
Trakia University, Bulgaria

Professor in Department of Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Trakia University since 1987 (assist. professor from 1987 to 1999). Project leader of 4 research projects (regarding mycotoxic nephropathy in farm animals and humans) funded by National Science Fund of Ministry of Science and Education in Bulgaria:
Bulgarian project leader of Joint Research Project between Bulgaria and UK funded by The Royal Society - London (1997-2000); The main Pathologist in eight Joint International Research Projects between Bulgaria and Germany funded by International Pharmaceutical Strategies and Solutions (IPSS) GmbH – Germany (2005-2007); Specialisations in Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine - London, U.K (September, 1998) and in Laboratoire de Toxicologie et Sеcurity Alimentaire, Toulouse, France (2000 - NATO grant) and many specializations or invited lectures at several universities in Hungary, S. Africa and India; Marie Curie Outgoing International Fellowship of FP6 of EU (2007-2008) in University of Johannesburg - the project addressed the cause of porcine/chicken/human nephropathies in Bulgaria and South Africa; Coordinator of Marie Curie IRSES project of FP7 of EU between Bulgaria, Hungary, India and South Africa (2013-2016); Visiting Professor in Department of Food Technology of Faculty of Science at the University of Johannesburg (2013-2016).


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