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Suresh Aluviahara

Suresh Aluviahara
University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

Suresh Aluvihara - At a reputable government university in Sri Lanka, Mr. Suresh Aluvihara earned a first degree in Earth Science, Mineral Science, Water Science, Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics. Subsequently, he finished his master's degree studies in the fields of environmental and pollution control engineering, water treatments, air pollution control, and materials engineering at the Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Earth science and engineering, chemical engineering, environmental engineering, and material science and engineering are his areas of interest in research. As a well-known young researcher, he has published more than 110 insightful research articles in the aforementioned fields in high-indexed journals, international research conferences, abstracts, conference papers, full-length papers, and book chapters. In numerous academic conferences, he has given keynote addresses, plenary talks, invited talks, featured talks, and guest lectures. In the interim, he participated in several outstanding conferences and workshops as a moderator, reviewer, and member of the organizing committee. Additionally, he worked as a reviewer, editor for a few special issues, and member of the editorial board for several reputable journals. In the realm of academic research and competition, he has achieved several noteworthy and noteworthy things, including winning young scientist awards, best thesis prizes, and participation in highly competitive workshops.


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